The Climate Crisis is something that is of serious and immediate concern to all of us, and urgent action is needed. Unlike many of the larger festivals and corporations in the world who choose to ignore this and bury their heads in the sand, we are committed to our responsibility in making sure we do all we can to minimise our environmental impact.
Here are some of the ways in which you make help KenFest green!
Environmentally friendly, COVID Safe, Reusable Cup System. A study by Hope Solutions showed that over 100 million single-use plastic cups are used in the UK Event Industry each year. If the entire industry made the switch to reusable, 1000 tonnes of carbon emissions and 300 tonnes of waste would be saved per 1 million reusable cups in regular use.
ecodisco cups reach a break even point after 3 - 10 uses compared to a single use plastic cups. ecodisco cups will all be collected, returned, washed and sent back out to other events to used up to 500 times! At the end of their life cycle they are recycled and reused again creating a full circular economy. All you have to do is not take your cup home or put them in the bin, simple!
The majority of our energy on site comes from the most eco-friendly generators available. We work with our power supplier to work out our total usage and off-set our carbon usage with sustainable, regenerative projects.
Cigarette butts and filters do not biodegrade and their fibers take years to breakdown. Please use the cigarette sand ash trays dotted around site, rather than dropping them. They all have to be picked up so please help us out!
Travelling to KenFest via public transport, or walking. If you need to drive then try sharing a taxi. There is very limited car parking available at KenFest 2021, avoid the hassle and do your bit for the planet.
Ecolibrium is a great app that helps you track and then offset your carbon impact.

Beyond the excitement of the KenFest event, there are several longer lasting impacts your support and attendance is directly supporting:
The Clockwork Charitable Trust is a registered charity based in Oxted, Surrey, which offers support and information to young adults in Oxted and the surrounding district suffering with depression and anxiety, with the aim of helping relieve this suffering.
The idea for Clockwork was born out of tragic circumstances with several young suicides in the area, which had a resounding impact on the community.
Matt Hayes, owner of Idol Hands Music School felt more needed to be done to support young people in the local community, suffering with depression. And so, Clockwork was born.
Now a registered charity, Clockwork seeks to achieve its aim through two primary means: by providing financial assistance to help young people access local counselling and mental health services; and by seeking to promote and protect good mental health, through services such as peer listening, support groups and information provision.